Friday, May 8, 2020

Challenge Mono-uni-task! Day 34 of 30 - When I Grow Up

Challenge Mono-uni-task! Day 34 of 30 - When I Grow Up Yes yes, its Day 34 of 30. Whoever said that it takes only 30 days to break a habit is out of their mind. 30 days to shift their perspective, yes. 30 days to become more conscious (and conscientious), yes. 30 days to figure out how they can do things differently, yes. But 30 days to realize it, execute it, and do it oh hell no! Not to say that this challenge is worthless/hopeless. Not in any way, shape, or form. Since I started this challenge, I have: * recognized that my behavior was a hindrance and starting taking action steps to change this * came to terms with what is splitting my attention and took the temptations away * realized how much power I have just by being conscious of my behavior and really, truly concentrating on changing it * that slow and steady wins the race, and even if I cant be as slow as the tortoise I can still come out as the winner * didnt set goals that were too unattainable so that there is a feeling of accomplishment * researched and incorporated a new way of dealing with my ADD tendencies and become more focused. This has to do with a Moleskine notebook acting as my mindmapping catch-all, and Toodeldo as my To Do list. I know it sounds confusing, but its working for me so far. Once I work out the kinks Ill most likely do a post about it. So, the end of the story is this: realization, action, discipline, and focus are the major points to help you break any bad habit. But dont expect to be a new and improved person in 30 days. Its a good jumping off point to keep you motivated, but it wont be the end of the road.

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